Friends of Somerset Young Carers

Friends of Somerset Young Carers

Supporting young carers throughout somerset

What is a young carer?

A Young Carer is a young person who provides regular care and support to a family member, who may be physically or mentally ill, has a disability or a form of dependency.

About Young Carers

Young Carers vary in age. In Somerset, children under 18 currently receive specific support as Young Carers. It is known that in some cases children start to have caring responsibilities from a very young age. 
Their responsibilities
Care responsibilities of Young Carers go beyond the usual level of helping out at home. Their responsibilities can include: - Housework / Healthcare (including medication) / Personal care / Cooking and shopping / Caring for siblings

Do you know a young carer we can help?

There are many young people throughout Somerset who are either not recognised ar are not receiving support. If you know such a child - up to18 years of age - that you feel we ought to know about, please contact us using the conact form at the bottom of this website.

why do young carers need our support?

Young Carers are proud of their caring role, but it can put particular pressure on these children

Being a Young Carer can impact the child’s education. It can lead to real difficulties participating fully in school life. It may mean turning up late for school or not being able to attend at all, depending on the health of their family member. For example, it’s hard to properly complete homework when juggling this with caring for a disabled parent. Parents may not be able to give their input at school in the same way as other parents or support the child in attending school trips or extra-curricular activities.

Through a Young Carers’ Forum in Somerset, the children have reported how their caring roles impact on their health and well being. They have suffered increased tiredness, low self esteem, feeling depressed and stressed.

It can have a social impact too, as Young Carers don’t have free time in the same way as other children, missing out on spending time with other children outside school. Many Young Carers are described as seeming “old before their time” without the chance to have fun and simply be a child.

What is friends of Somerset Young Carers?

The role of the FOSYC

We aim to support

Friends of Somerset Young Carers (‘Friends’) is a registered charity. It was set up in 2006 when it became apparent that the Young Carers in Somerset needed more support to help them to put their worries responsibilities to one side for a short time, to allow them to be children again.

We provide aid in many forms

Friends is run by a small group of trustees from all walks of life, with a common interest in supporting young people. We do our best to raise awareness of Young Carers in Somerset, support the group's work and ensure that any donated funds are spent in the best possible way.

Donations and help

Every penny donated to the Friends charity goes directly to helping the Young Carers – unlike with many larger charities it is not spent on overheads. So if you can make a donation, however big or small, be assured that 100% goes to supporting the Young Carers.

How we help

How is the money spent?

With the funds we receive, we provide financial support to the Young Carers’ fortnightly groups, for example, providing art materials or funding a special activity.

We also provide the funds so that the Young Carers can go on trips, such as visits to the zoo, pantomime, swimming or conservation activities. These trips and activities give the Young Carers a chance to meet up with their peers from the other groups in a non-stressful environment and for them to realise that they are not alone.

The Friends sometimes receive applications from youth organisations and groups for individual funding. This might be to allow a Young Carer to be able to participate with activities at school, or to fund extra lessons so they have the chance to excel at something.

Somerset Young Carers need our support

How you can help

If you're in business, please nominate us as your Annual Charity or if you know of any other organisations that will help, please mention our small charity and support Somerset’s Young Carers

A day in the life of a young carer

Immy's Story

Let us know how we can help you, or you can help us!

Get in touch




Chair: Alison Adlam  -

Treasurer: Nigel Gregor -



Registered with the Charity Commission under charity number 1117350